Change of Venue etc

  • Beginning in September we will have a talk over a drink or dessert; yes we’ll still have dinner prior to the talk, you could also have something during…
  • For the year 2015-16 the Guild will be meeting at Stefanos Restaurant, downstairs–exception October 8.
  • The use of the private room has no additional cost as many of us meet at 5 PM for dinner; please join us for that too!
  • To support our gracious host, we hope that you will opt to order a beverage or dessert as the waitress assigned to us will need to earn her keep
  • The topic for the round table in September will be Elections both US and Canada… Anne Massey will moderate the evening, we’ll have charts and tools—bring along your tools for studying the results of elections and personalities involved; if you would like to help moderate please contact Anne in the course of the Summer
  • The last meeting we will have at the ISA premises is October, our regular Thursday with Chris McRae,
    • Geodetic Charts and Relocational Astrology Chris’ updated version of the book on the topic is at the publishers.

Calendar for the upcoming Guild Events

If you would like to present a talk or lead a roundtable do send us an email or call. Our AGM will take place in October and we begin our 25th year of providing a forum for networking and sharing our insights in astrology.

We will need a few more people to serve on the executive as a few are stepping down. Would you like to be involved in the admin stuff and organizing speakers etc.—do come to the AGM.

Advance Professionalism in our field

ISAR Consulting Skills Course and their Competency Skill Exam coming to our area October 9-12, get more details from Anne Massey

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