Guild executive for 2012-13

At the AGM on Thursday we elected a new executive and increased the annual dues from $45 to $50 for our regular members (that works out to $5 per talk…the price of a cup of coffee), the seniors rate increases to $40 from $35. We elected two VP’s Joan Morton and Martin Stock. Melissa Massey is continuing as the acting president until the position is filled permanently. Sukhwinder continues as our Treasurer, Rebecca Garcia as our secretary and Charlotte Greenwood is taking over the refreshments and 0pening the doors at 7PM on the nights of our talks. Anne Massey has stepped down as the president and will be doing the editor job. The Guild News will be published quartely from now on. The next issue will come out a week prior to our November meeting (November 1). The next three issues (online) will be published February 3, May 2 and August 2, 2013 with the Sun at approximately 15° of the fixed signs). The deadline for article submissions will be mid-month prior to publication.

We are also setting up an email account that has more features for the executive. The address is and we would appreciate an email if you would like to subscribe to our bi-monthly emails and get information and reminders sent to your email. We are making every effort to transfer your current email addresses to the new account. We do not share member emails with anyone including the membership.

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