- January 11 – Nick Dagan Best (Year ahead for 2016)
- February 15- Jeffrey Armstrong (Ayurvedic body-typing)
- March 14 – Anne Massey (Mars Story 2016 & Beyond)
- April 11 – Tony Dickey (cancelled) – Why the 2040’s are Already Here
- May 9 – John Foster- (Important midpoints in the birth chart) (cancelled – replaced by Alison Price – (Dispository Tree)
- June 13 – Rick Levine (cancelled – replaced by Rose Marcus (Evolutionary Astrology)
- September 8 (lecture – Horary for Neophyte) – Nina Gryphon ()
- Nina is also giving a workshop (Advanced Horary Astrology) on the Saturday September 10–details to come
- October 6- Thaya Edwards (Medical Astrology)
- November 10 – Phyllis Chubb (Topic to be announced)
- December 12 – Christmas Potluck – venue to be announced
- As you can see this is a fabulous roster of speakers we have to look forward to!
- As soon as we receive confirmation from the speakers we will update this list.
Hopefully we will all make the effort to come out and support them!
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