Kevin Burk presents Lecture and Workshop in April

kevin burke workshop in VancouverOn April 8, 9 and 10, Kevin Burk will present his workshop Astrology and the Law of Attraction. This will be a fascinating workshop as Kevin explores Archetypes, works with the personal planets Sun to Saturn and shows us a whole new way to attract what we really want.

For more information on Kevin’s workshop you can see his 10 minute video by clicking on

Kevin’s video was filmed in Houston, TX and he offers an introduction to his work and the very interesting workshop that he will be presenting in April. Kevin is an accomplished author. His books are Astrology, Understanding the Birth Chart; The Complete Node Book and a book on relationships.

Kevin will also be available for private readings while he is here. To set up an appointment you can reach him at

The regular meeting and  workshop  times are: Thrusday evening, 7:30-9:30, Friday evening 7- 9 pm, and Saturday, 10 am-5 pm  and  will be held at the  Unity in Action Church located at 1630 Edinburgh St, New Westminster (between 16th and 17th Streets).

2 thoughts on “Kevin Burk presents Lecture and Workshop in April

  1. Thank you, Kevin for a fun workshop. We were both educated and entertained through the medium of ‘astro-drama’ played out by classical rulerships of signs. For some charts Saturn governed with a firm hand, for some Mars was about go, go, go. Great workshop!

  2. Thanks Kevin

    Fun was had by all.. we are now in relationship with our planets!
    And writing lists.

    The boad of directors are a great
    team in delineating the problem:
    “What is really going on here!”

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