Mars in Gemini is already in its shadow phase, slowing down to station retrograde on October 31st. The warrior planet will tenant the sign of the twins until late March 2023 when it enters the sign of Cancer. What does Mars retrograde mean? What is the lengthy stay in Gemini asking of us? What aspects will Mars make to other planets while it is retrograde? Who may be most impacted by the transit? Where is it transiting in your own chart? How can you best understand and work with Mars Rx in Gemini? Bring your own chart as we lean into and question the nature of Mars Rx in Gemini.
Christine Lindwood’s Bio:
Christine Linwood, ISAR C.A.P., CHT, NLP, is an integrative astrologer inspiring people to connect deeply with themselves through their personal astrology for insight and greater understanding. Her passion has driven serious study and practice for well over a decade. Her website is