Dawn Muncaster will talk on Uranus Opposition and Midlife Crisis
Denise has found it necessary to postpone her talk on the Dynamics of the Family through Astrology. The reason being that Uranus has caused some unexpected changes – one of which is that she is now required to move and due to this inconvenience, she will not have the time or the concentration to prepare for the scheduled presentation.
Instead, Dawn Muncaster will be speaking on the Uranus opposition and accompanying Neptune square which occurs at approximately age 40-42. This can be a time of great transition and opportunity for spiritual and evolutionary growth, or a time of challenges, ‘a wake up’ call from the universe so to speak.
Uranus, accompanied with Neptune has been known to awaken the kundalini power located at the base of the spine, and connect us to our higher purpose. We may experience other dimensions , extra-terrestrial awareness, astral travel, and other unusual para- normal experiences, Transiting Uranus is now in the sign of Pisces which carries a similar awareness that something needs to change, and as we know …Our global community of humankind needs to be the change. Uranus is the awakener, it gives us flashes of insight from the intelligence of the universe, and now is asking us to re-invent ourselves. It certainly is the time for a New World Order.
There are some who may go though their Uranus opposition where very little occurs. This usually means you have been listening to the inner voice of intuition at your Saturn return which occurs at age 29. Come and join us for a most interesting evening; there will be charts to look at and Uranus stories to be shared.