Mercury is in Libra August 25 to September 17, and in Virgo the rest of the month; Mercury is retrograde September 6-29, 2009. This particular Mercury period August – mid-October involves work/chores and public services and relationships/negotiations, promising many twists and turns, reneging of promises after September 6, things simply begin to go in the opposite direction.
The retrograde dates are not ideal for beginning or committing to something new, if it was in the works prior to the dates that becomes a mute point. If travelling, ensure that you have appropriate insurance. Be a little more flexible when appointments and meeting dates are moved. Keep receipts for purchases handy for the ‘return season’. I always avoid major purchases during that time.
Those stations are at 6°Libra 13′ for the retrograde one and 21°Virgo 37′ for the direct station. Mercury conjunct Sun occurs at 27°Virgo 35′. 21°Virgo has been a rather active degree for about a year now. Saturn stationed at that degree and in 2010 that same degree will be one of the direct stations of Mercury. Virgo keeps us busy, I have been running on all eight cylinders for the past couple of weeks, and note that this always happens when something stations on my Vesta at 27°Virgo.
Beginning late 2009, we will experience Mercury in an Earth sign at length. Mercury will be in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn for 242 days between December 5, 09 and February 3, 2011. The other signs get approximately 14-18 days each between the 60+ days periods.
The current Mercury period is preparing us for our own kind of busyness and practical application of our own skills and talents. Find your earth houses and you will know what you are dealing with in your everyday life. Stick to the basic keywords for the houses, and use the commonalities between the groups of three. Houses 1, 5, and 9 are the houses of life-enthusiasm and inspiration emanates from these three places. Houses 2, 6 and 10 are about the practical matters in life-money, work and accomplishments. Houses 3, 7 and 11 are about relating and the three remaining ones 4, 8, and 12 are about endings-transitions to new ventures and dealing with concepts that touch our emotions.
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Anne Massey is a professional astrologer, to book your consultation email Anne or call 604-888-9552. Details about consultations available on my sites.