Natural Law A Course in Magic – Presented by Leah Bolton – October 10, 2013

“Natural Law – A Course in Magic”

ILeah Boltonn The Beginning was our World of amazing cycles and the observance of them became our guide. Astrology

Welcome to Natural Law: A Course in Magic.

As Seasons evolved and patterns emerged our ancestors  made note and built upon the Wisdom of Observance. I am a seeker and longed for answers in an imperfect existence and wondered “ Why can I imagine better but not seem to bring it to my world?” Thus began my search and this I can share with you, My excitement and thrill to discover more opportunity and Magic by paying attention to my pre determined horoscope of my birth chart.  My Soul chose the best for me and now I get to make the most of it. I am able to see and understand and share the Natural Laws that we must all obey and use each day as an opportunity for Magical Enhancement to my world, your world, our world, and they all lived happily ever after,

Faith makes it so….

About: Leah is an astrologer in Vancouver and is a past president of the Guild.

Contact Leah Bolton at

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