Nodes talk handout

Once we get to the Nodes of the Moon in chart analysis, we realize that we didn’t come here with a clean slate—no tabula rasa for us. We brought baggage, we take it along on every journey/trip we take—this one just is longer and depending on our awareness we understand and work with part of it or much of it, I doubt ever with all of it. Once we get to the Nodes of the Moon in chart analysis, we realize that we didn’t come here with a clean slate—no tabula rasa for us. We brought baggage, we take it along on every journey/trip we take—this one just is longer and depending on our awareness we understand and work with part of it or much of it, I doubt ever with all of it. The beauty of these cycles—and all cycles in fact—is that we don’t really need a chart to understand different times in our lives. I hope you enjoy working with the cycles on the Nodes, I certainly enjoyed presenting my insights over a celebratory dinner. The voice files and the associated powerpoint will be placed in the Guild library and are available to our members. The link to the the handout I promised is behind the more tag…

“Experience is what allows us to repeat our mistakes, only with more finesse!”—Derwood Fincher

I have uploaded my post-talk handout on my website here is the link 

I ran out of my 2011 at a Glance at our meeting the other night and will have another batch with me in November. If you cannot wait, you can order one via mail, my website and blog have links for ordering one.

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