October 8 with Chris McRae

chrisChris has been a consultant, teacher, author, lecturer since 1970, lecturing at major astrological conferences and conducting workshops throughout the world including Russia, Europe, UK, South Africa, Israel, Australia, China.  She has a busy international clientele.  She is ISAR Board Vice-President, Chair ISAR International Council and Certification Program.  She received the UAC Regulus Award for Professional Image 2012 and ISAR Lifetime Achievement Award 2014.  She has authored 3 books, contributed to 5, and more will come as time permits.

Contact Chris via her website (note it is currently being revamped but the relevant information is there…)

Note that this talk will be at the ISA premises! 317 Columbia Street. For other meetings we are at our new venue.

Geodetic Astrology for Relocation and World Events

The Geodetic concept was originally a house cusp structure drawn for any geographic location.  Any chart can be inserted into these cusps such as your natal for a relocation assessment.  Also, the chart of an Eclipse, Lunation, etc. can also be inserted into these permanent geographic angles to observe shifts politically, geophysically, and with weather.  In a way it is similar to ACG but ACG Angles change with every chart as in traditional relocation astrology, whereas the Geodetic angles are permanent and planets are applied into them.

Wessex Astrology is publishing Chris’ book, entitled Geodetic Astrology for Relocation and World Events, and copies of her book should be available when Chris is in town for the ISAR Consulting Skills Course and Competency Exam October 8-12, 2015. Chris has been integral in the development of this program. I am thrilled to be hosting the event,  because I believe that “Professionalism in the field of astrology is in the hands of those, who work as astrologers. Certification is about an agreement of what one ought to know in order to work in the field.” See details about the October event

I found this on Chris’ website: “LOOKING FOR AN ASTROLOGER?

Ask for experience.  Ask if the person is Certified and if so, by a recognized institution.  This is getting more important as astrologers are becoming more aware that there is criteria for astrological education, ethics and consulting skills which are prerequisites to certification.  Through ISAR (International Society of Astrological Research), Chris was instrumental in helping to develop an International ISAR.CAP certification which is rapidly becoming the barometer of excellence for astrologers worldwide.  As of 2005, the Certification Program has been translated into 9 different languages.” 

Read the interview with Chris


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