Our Astrologers

Looking for professional astrologers in our area–the greater Vancouver area and Vancouver Island? Here is our list of professional consulting astrologers. Several of our members also offer classes, check out the classes page.

Rebecca Garcia, ISAR, CAAE, MAFA, BComm.

President, Vancouver / Fraser Valley Astrological Guild (since 2015) – Expert in Solar Return…

Phone:   604-710-8197
Website: Rebecca’s website
email: rebecca.garcia@shaw.ca
Rebecca has been the President of the Fraser Valley Astrological Guild since 2015 (8 years). Prior to being the President, she served as Secretary and twice Vice President of the Guild. She has been a member of the Guild since 1995. She is a certified consulting astrologer.

Alison Price is a consultant astrologer, writer, and popular lecturer based in Vancouver, Canada. With a diploma from the South African College of Astrological Studies, Johannesburg, and a certificate from the Faculty of Astrological Studies, London, England, she writes feature articles for international journals. Alison mentors a select number of engaged students each year in classes for beginners, intermediate, and advanced astrology.  Find her many astrology books on Amazon and subscribe to her creative “Starzology” YouTube channel.

Rose MarcusRose Marcus, CAP ISAR

Phone:   604-988-1299
Visit Rose’s Website
E-mail: Rose
Read her bio. Rose writes a monthly horoscope, offers classes in both astrology and tarot and is available for private consultations.

thayaThaya Edwards

Phone: 778-997-4610
email: thaya@thayastar.com
web: www.thayastar.com

Thaya Edwards is a professional astrologer who has been practicing and teaching Astrology for over 30 years.
She wrote two books, Medical Astrology for Healing and AstroPsychology: a Journey to Yourself, published by the American Federation of Astrologers.
Thaya offers consultations both in English and Russian as well as teaches classes and does private tutoring on subjects of astrology, energy healing and runes.

Tatiana Balashova

Tatiana Balashova has been a member of the Guild since 2018.

Counsellor with Metaphorical Associative Cards
Art Therapist, Emotion-Image Therapist, Life Coach
Astrologer, Crystal Healer

Member of OPPL (Russian Professional Psychotherapy League)

Member of ISAR (International Society of Astrological Research)


(New website coming in 2021)

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel:


+1 (604) 780-7835
(cell, whatsapp, telegram)

Our speakers contact information

Chris McRae www.astrologychrismcrae.com
Mac McLaughlin www.macsstars.com
Alison Price www.starzology.com
Sandy Hughes
Tim MacLaughlin
John Foster
Rick Levine
Phyllis Chubs

This page is always a work in progress. If your listing was accidentally omitted, please resubmit.
We will add members and speakers to this page. This page is managed by Rebecca, contact her at rebecca.garcia@shaw.ca and allow 3-5 days for updates.

Submission format:

From the above entries, you can see the format we are applying. Your name, and photograph, will be reduced to 100 x up to 200 pixels. Phone, email, website, link to your bio, subscription, or teaching information. Please provide any of the above external links.

Important note: The promotional text needs to be brief, 20-40 words, your submission will be shortened to that word count should you send in a longer one. The intent of this ‘rule’ is to ensure that people browsing the page will easily be able to scroll through the entire list.

We recommend that you provide a link to more detailed information on your own website. If you do not have one and are an active member (read dues paid for the current year), we will create a page. It is up to you to edit your own biography. It will not be edited.

The listing here is at the request of the astrologer – the Guild offers no endorsement.

Contact rebecca.garcia@shaw.ca about this listing and any changes to it, please allow 3-5 days for changes, revisions, and additions. This page was last updated on February 8, 2014, at 12:25 PST.

7 thoughts on “Our Astrologers

  1. Hi I am looking for a vancouver astrologer named Jef Simpson for a reading. Do you have a contact number or website for him?

  2. Good morning,
    French fortune teller and astrologer.
    By refusing to lock myself into ONE vision of astrology, I am constantly researching different ideas, new ways of thinking and seeing astrology around the world.
    Is your network still active?
    Is it still possible to become a member and can I be a member even if I am in France?
    I hope to know more about this astrologer group.
    Arianne .G

    Cartomancienne et astrologue française.
    Par refus de m’enfermer dans UNE seule vision de l’astrologie, je suis tout le temps en recherche autour du monde, différentes idées, de nouvelles façons de penser et de voir l’astrologie.
    Est-ce que votre réseau est toujours actif ?
    Est-ce toujours possible de devenir membre et puis-je être membre même si je suis en France ?
    J’espère pouvoir connaitre plus en détail se groupe d’astrologue.
    Arianne .G

  3. Dear Rebecca, How much is it for a reading? I do not have e file but a would a check would do? What is your mailing address address ? I am looking for a soul mate

    Attention Rebecca Garcia please.

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