Pallas Athena – The Warrior in our Chart by Tracy Quinlan – March 10, 2022 – 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – (VIA ZOOM)

Pallas Athena asks us- what will you fight for?  An asteroid is an important tool in astrology given the landscape of the world’s current politics. As marginalized populations work to rise through their repression and a persistent dichotomous environment continues to ferment and fester, Pallas’ message is crucial. There has been some great work done connecting Pallas in the natal chart to career and aptitude, and the asteroid can be an incredible key into vocational astrology, especially for clients searching for meaning through their work, but Pallas also shows us what it is we will champion. This lecture looks at Pallas in the natal chart and by transit. Connecting the asteroid to some of the greatest champions in recent history.

Tracy Quinlan Bio: 

Tracy Quinlan is an Edmonton-based Astrologer. She is a lecturer, a teacher, and a bringer of awareness in Canada, but connected globally.

Tracy is a lifelong student of people and culture. She has always been entranced by what Astrology provides in understanding self, purpose, and social and cultural cycles. Tracy’s first career as a hairstylist allowed her to dialogue with people and learn Astrology through real-life analysis of events and personal characteristics.

In the middle of that 25+ year career, she completed a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Psychology. She is now a full-time Astrologer, former president of the Edmonton Astrological Society, lead coordinator of the 2019 Canadian Astrological Conference, horoscope writer for the Llewellyn Astrological calendar. Tracy has worked on the AFAN steering committee, is certified by The Organization for Professional Astrologers (OPA), and wrote the 2019/20 forecast column for OPA magazine. She is currently studying sound healing to add to her astrology practice.

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