The Guild celebrates its 20th anniversary on October 17. For our program in October we are delighted to have Rob Hand presenting two talks and a workshop. We have spots available for all three events, our meeting place easily accommodates about 70-80 attendees. Read Anne Massey’s interview with Rob Hand
Thursday October 13, 2011 at 7:30PM
Interrogatory Method of Natal Chart Analysis
In modern astrology it is often stated that one must look at the chart as a whole. This is appropriate for obtaining a general overview of a chart. However, when examining the chart for specific areas of life, most systems become unstructured and imprecise. Ptolemy’s method offers a highly structured approach in helping us make specific statements about a natal chart. Not only do these procedures tell the astrologer what to look at; more importantly, they also tell the astrologer what NOT to look at. This lecture will include a general introduction to this method, strategies on which to focus and guidance on how to gather vital information to assist in the final intuitive synthesis. The overall result is a more reliable assessment of the natal chart. Attendance free for members, non-members $10 drop-in fee. We meet for dinner prior to the event at about 5PM at Stephanos, next door to our meeting place. Read about the Friday lecture and Saturday workshop, and use PayPal to pay for talk(s) and workshop, by clicking on the link
Friday October 14, 2011 at 7:00PM
Astrology and Western Magic
Through most of the 20th century most astrologers tended to stress the separation of Astrology and Magic. Yet this has not always been the case. In the medieval and early modern period there was a kind of Astrology that was strongly linked to Magic and there was also an Astrology that was in terms of its day considered “scientific.” This lecture will discuss the two kinds of astrology from an historical point of view, their differences and similarities, and what portions of each may be applicable to 21st century uses. Members pay $20, non-members $30.
Saturday October 15, 2011 10:00 AM–5:00 PM
Ancient Philosophy and Spirituality and their Impact on Astrology
This workshop will deal with the interaction of astrological ideas and ancient philosophy and show how it affected them, drew upon them, and became in fact completely integrated with them in a grand synthesis, much of which extended into the Middle Ages. But as a result of the later stages of this synthesis Astrology became a “science” in the medieval sense of the world and in doing so lost something of its mystical and spiritual foundation; it split in two, into “scientific” and “magical” branches. In the latter was preserved the original spiritual nature of astrology which can be used to build a new philosophy of astrology so that once again astrology can be, as ancient astrology was, thoroughly involved with, and rooted in, the philosophy and religion of its day.
Members pay $120, non-members $150–registration at door begins at 9:30AM, we only accept cash from non-members. We recommend that you register prior to the event to ensure a seat.
Pay for lectures