We are taking a summer break, no talks in July and August. However, in the next month or two, plan to put Kelly Surtees’ workshop on your schedule. She is the speaker and presenter for September. Also we are having a celebration of our 19th anniversary in October. We would like to book the downstairs room at Stefanos. In order to do so, we need 25+ members to commit to having dinner on the premises. Please email astrologyguild@shaw.ca and anne@annemassey.ca to express your interest. We will send out more information shortly and collect a non-refundable deposit, which will be used toward your dinner that evening. The registration form for Kelly will be on the site shortly. In the meantime check out her topics…
Here are the synopsis of Kelly Surtees’ presentations:
‘A Deeper Look At Aspects’
Thursday, September 9th, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Where did aspect theory come from? What are the ways to enhance the information available within each aspect? We’ll explore the development of aspect theory and the importance sign and house rulership when interpreting aspects. Attendees will learn how to add precision to their birth chart and predictive interpretations. A must for anyone looking to create simplicity out of the huge volume of information and data in the birth chart. ‘The Importance of Light’
Thursday, September 10th, 7:30-9:30p.m.
How the planets gain influence in the chart based on how visible they are or aren’t at birth. Have you considered how the Moon in Taurus varies in strength/influence/manifestation according to Moon phase? Or the time of day one was born? Are you aware of the circumstances in which the Moon sign can be more dominant than the Sun sign? We’ll look at phase, visibility, speed and station of the visible planets in the birth chart/by transit to get a more complete understanding of what’s really happening in the chart.
‘Progressions and Predictions’
Saturday, September 11th, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
After transits, progressions are the most commonly used predictive tool in modern astrology. We’ll look at where this 500+ yr. old predictive tool came from and what we’re really supposed to do with them. The relationship between transits and progressions is discussed so attendees can deepen their own understanding of dynamic cycles at work. We’ll look at the progressed Moon cycle and it’s role in affecting other transits/progressions. How does your Saturn return, Uranus midlife transit, etc., differ depending on your progressions? Come find out! Students can learn techniques to help them layer and prioritise different transit and progressed energies to enhance the accuracy of their predictions about recent, current and upcoming cycles. For more information about Kelly see www.kellysurtees.com