‘Progressions and Predictions’ with Kelly Surtees
Saturday, September 11th, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
After transits, progressions are the most commonly used predictive tool in modern astrology. We’ll look at where this 500+ yr. old predictive tool came from and what we’re really supposed to do with them. The relationship between transits and progressions is discussed so attendees can deepen their own understanding of dynamic cycles at work. We’ll look at the progressed Moon cycle and its role in affecting other transits/progressions. How does your Saturn return, Uranus midlife transit, etc., differ depending on your progressions? Come find out! Students can learn techniques to help them layer and prioritise different transit and progressed energies to enhance the accuracy of their predictions about recent, current and upcoming cycles.
The flyer for the September workshop and details about Thursday and Friday night talks with Kelly Surtees are under this the link http://www.astrologyguild.com/flyers/2010_Kelly_Surtees.pdf Read the details in the flyer..
Kelly gave a wonderful presentation tonight, if you missed it and are a member it was recorded. We hope to see you tomorrow for a second lecture and on Saturday for her workshop.
Love the talk that Kelly gave on Thursday, Friday and the workshop on Saturday. Getting a refresher course on the basics of Astology was wonderful. The workshop regarding progressions, and what predictive tools that can be used by astologers was presented in a unique, clear and consise way which engaged the audience. Not only did we learn some amazing techniques but had fun discovering another layer of Astology