Solar Return is one of the most Powerful and accurate tools an Astrologer can use to forecast trends for the coming year, aside from Transits, Secondary Progressions, Solar Arcs, etc. It is a chart erected at the exact time that the Sun returns to its birth chart position each year. It shows you the theme – focus in your life for the year: Will it be about travel, business, career, romance; to meet a significant one; medical and health issues; lawsuits; family issues; mother and parents health; your children, etc. There are so many things you can see in a Solar Return Chart…
In this lecture, Rebecca will show you how to read a Powerful Solar Return; how to get the full value of the Solar Return by comparing it to the Natal Chart… She will show you some examples of various charts of her clients, friends, prominent people and her own charts (the unfoldment of her life!). You will be amazed how powerful Solar Return is… “NOTHING CAN HAPPEN IN THE SOLAR CHART THAT IS NOT PROMISED IN THE NATAL CHART!”
Rebecca’s Bio:
Rebecca Garcia is a qualified Certified Consultant Astrologer, who gives accurate Astrology readings to her clients. She uses her intuition and faith in GOD, the Universe, to offer guidance to all her clients and encouraging them to move in a positive direction and face the challenges that may lie ahead of them…
Rebecca is currently the President of the Vancouver / Fraser Valley Astrological Guild since 2016. She has been a long-time member of the Guild since 1995.
Rebecca has an ISAR Consulting Certificate (International Society for Astrological Research) and CAAE’s Level III Certificate (Canadian Astrological Associations for Education). She’s currently working towards her diplomas. She has various Astrology Master Classes Certificates from Astrologos (Bernadette Bradey of London, UK). She’s a member of different International Astrological Organizations: i.e., FAS, AFA, OPA, ISAR, CAAE, VFVAG. She is very active in attending Astrology Conferences/Workshops in different parts of the world; i.e.: London, UK (FAS); Tucson, Arizona (OPA), Seattle, USA (NORWAC); Costa Mesa, California (ISAR) and other Canadian Workshops/Conferences… She’s a lifetime student of Astrology. She believes that Astrology is never ending studying… She wants to help people to understand their roots…their potentials…enhance the positive energy and cancel the negative energy!
Rebecca has an academic degree in Bachelor of Science in Commerce, Paralegal, and Certificates in Canadian Securities Course… She used to work in a Corporate and Legal environment for 40 years until she decided to retire and just focus on her passion; her calling: Astrology!
Indeed, the configurations of the planets when she was born showed that Rebecca is meant to be an Astrologer. Her rising sign (time she was born) is in Sagittarius (ruling planet, Jupiter (expansion – higher learning)), Sun (yourself), Mercury (studying/mental thinking), and North Node (mission in life) in Aquarius sign (Astrology) in the second house (what you value in life…); Uranus (Astrology) in Cancer (8th house – deep research, transformation); Moon (emotion) trines Saturn (11th house – house of Astrology; groups of people); Jupiter in Taurus (Venus) sextiles Uranus; Venus and Mars (action) trine Uranus (Astrology)… These planets were activated when she started studying Astrology in 1995.
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