The Art of Astrology has a rich and fascinating history which weaves its way through every major culture of the past 4 millennia. Join Charlotte as she covers this vast topic by telling the stories which illustrate Astrology’s role through the Ages.
Charlotte is passionate about astrology and has been casting astrological charts since she was 16. During the past 10 years she has integrated astrology into her psychic practice. In 2006 she completed the Foundation Level with the Faculty of Astrological Studies, London. She also holds a Level III Certificate from the Canadian Association for Astrological Education. She is a member in good standing with the CAAE and is also an active member of the Fraser Valley Astrological Guild.
Visit her website for more information.
Our talks always begin at 7:30PM and we meet for Dinner at Stephanos next door to our meeting place shortly after 5PM.