US Election Process is rather long, the campaigns have been going for months on end. Out of the multitudes there are now five active campaigns. In the lead on the Republican side is Donald Trump to the delight of reporters and talk show hosts/comedians–he might actually get the nomination, or… On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton holds a big lead according to the online polls.
- Donald Trump: June 14, 1946 at 9:51 AM, Queens, New York; source memory
- Bernie Sanders: September 8, 1941, Brooklyn, New York, time not known
- Ted Cruz: December 22, 1970, Calgary Alberta
- Hillary Clinton: October 26, 1947, Chicago, Illinois; times 8:00 AM or 8:00 PM.
- John Kasich: May 13, 1952, McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania
- Republican Convention dates: July 18–21, 2016, Cleveland Ohio
- Democratic Convention dates: July 25–July 28, 2016, Philadelphia, PA
- Election Day: November 8, 2016
- United States …there are many charts for USA, the most common is the Sibly chart, so information on that one: July 4, 1776 at 17:14 Philadelphia, PA.
We will meet for dinner upstairs at Stephanos’, and will hold the round-table up there as well. We will have charts and could have a lively discussion. Are the tides turning in another direction now that we are getting close to the Mars Rx cycle…The Mars Rx station takes place on the US Uranus.