Wade Caves – Lecture and Workshop… Thursday, June 14, 2018 and Saturday, June 16, 2018: Electional  Astrology:  “Electing with Purpose: Radicality in Electional Astrology (Lecture) and Horary Astrology:  “The Divinatory Art of Horary Astrology” (Workshop)


Electing with Purpose:  Radicality in Electional Astrology” (Lecture)

Electing is an art that is practiced widely in the modern astrological community, but rarely with the degree of precision achievable by practicing astrologers. With radical elections, the astrologer enters a person-centered electional process that properly exploits the power and purpose of their client’s natal chart. Using modern and historical chart examples learn how to give your election a strong foundation in this presentation. The techniques are simple and straightforward and, once understood, will better equip every astrologer in their practice. This presentation is suitable and warmly encouraged for astrologers at all levels, especially those who currently use Electional Astrology and are looking for ways to sharpen their technique.


 “The Divinatory Art of Horary Astrology” (Workshop)

Horary astrology is a remarkably decisive technique that allows both astrologer and client to cut to the chase of a seemingly unsolvable dilemma. Through chart delineation, the client’s range of options is assessed and thoroughly explored. In this workshop we will study the guiding principles of horary technique, using both historical and modern examples. We will explore charts related to relationships and pregnancy, career and finance, missing objects and more, with a mind to what is generalizable across fields of questioning. Suitable for all levels, regardless of prior horary experience.


Super Early Bird – Before March 31, 2018:

FVAG Members – $75.00

Non-FVAG Members – $95.00


Early Bird – Before June 1, 2018:

FVAG Members – $95.00

Non-Members – $115.00


Regular Bird – After June 1, 2018:

FVAG Members – $115.00

Non-Members – $135.00



Wade Caves.  Wade Caves is an astrological consultant, speaker and educator specializing in Horary, Electional and Classical Astrological technique.  Wade’s passion and focus is not only in understanding the historical and philosophical origins of astrological symbolism but finding new and reliable ways to put this information to good practical use in a consultation setting. He is a tutor and director at the STA School of Traditional Astrology.

– Contact: hello@wadecaves.com

– Website: http://wadecaves.com 

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