Neptune’s Realm: The Astrologer as Mystic Guide

Neptune’s Realm: The Astrologer as Mystic Guide

As we approach the culmination of Neptune and Saturn’s journey through Pisces, it’s the perfect time to delve into the mysteries of this elusive sign and the gifts of the 12th House. Saturn’s influence of spiritual discipline helps us to mature, to transcend overwhelm and loss, revealing the divine within us. We uncover or expand our intuitive gifts, delighting in the magic of synchronicity and the joy of pure creativity. By dissolving our own fears, we step forward as powerful guides, beyond the nuts and bolts of our astrological wisdom. More than ever, the world needs us to provide deep empathic support and a clear and conscious view of Neptune’s realm. By integrating astrology with the path of spiritual and intuitive development, we can all flourish in this deep ocean of transformation.


 Kay Taylor is a soul-centered astrologer, author, and teacher who has been integrating Evolutionary Astrology with intuitive mastery, psychosynthesis, and yoga philosophy for 40 years. She is President of OPA, the UAC 2026 Board, and is on the Board of Kepler College. Soul Path Way (2016). Certified by OPA, ISAR CAP, and NCGR, Kay is based in the SF Bay Area.

Author of “Soul Path Way
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Board of Trustees – Kepler College

President of OPA (Organization for Professional Astrology)


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